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Common Law Jury

Common Law Jury

  • Objective: To demand a Common Law Jury of our peers (trial by jury - not trial with jury).


  1. Bar Members: 1, 2, & 3.
  2. The United States as a Crown Colony: 1 & 2.
  3. Churchianity.
  4. Mark Passio's YouTube Channel.
  5. Corruption in the Courts: 3 & 4.
  6. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
  7. Sabbatai Levi: Wikipedia link.
  8. Khazars: Wikipedia link - See also Khazarian families.
  9. Fidei Defensor (Defender of the Faith).
  10. The STRAW MAN Explained:Explained. YouTube link.
  11. Fraudulent Conveyance of Language: Website link.
  12. The Crown of England is Owned and Operated by the Vatican:Vatican. Link.
  13. Fee Simple Deed.
  14. Allodial Deed.
  15. The Council of Trent.

The Crown

  • Land Ownership: All Crown-owned land is land that the Vatican stole from the First Nations people.
  • Legal Rulings: BAAL priests in the so-called courts have ruled that the Crown must settle First Nations land claims.

Crown Structure

  • The Crown is a corporation domiciled in the City of London.
  • The Crown is owned and operated by the Vatican.
  • The Queen's Crown bears the inscription "ER" (Elisabeth Regina).
  • All Bar members (attorneys) are foreign agents of the Crown, and by extension, agents of the Vatican.

Perpetual Warfare

  • Ecclesiastical Courts: These courts have been taken over by satanists and converted into fraudulent ecclesiastical courts filled with BAAL priest BAR members. They use adversarial judicial proceedings to assault our rights.
  • Rights Conversion: These courts convert rights into privileges through filing fees and impose satanic equity, treating everyone like slaves, thereby reducing common law rights to statutory privileges.
  • UNIDROIT Courts: All ecclesiastical courts are United Nations courts under UNIDROIT (Unification of Private Law - "Law Merchant"), and their operations are fraudulent.
  • Commerce and Warfare: All court cases are seen as commercial warfare, and all commerce is viewed as warfare.
  • International Law of Warfare: "Under International Law of Warfare, all parties to a cause must appear by nom de guerre" (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, pg. 1534).
  • Mixed War: "A mixed war is one which is made on one side by public authority, and on the other by mere private persons" (Black's Law Dictionary 5th Ed., pg. 1420).

City of London

  • Foreign Territory: The City of London is considered foreign territory to the rest of England.
  • Imperial Parliament: During the convening, the Queen requests permission from the Lord Mayor to enter the City of London, showing deference by walking two steps behind him with her head bowed.
  • Vatican Influence: The Vatican owns the Crown and established the City of London, controlling its commercial and corporate interests through the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Temple Bar

  • Base of Operations: The Temple Bar, within the City of London, serves as the headquarters for the Bar Association. All Bar members are foreign agents of the Crown, working ultimately for the Vatican.
  • Role of Attorneys: Attorneys "attorn" physical property (us) to the Crown and ultimately to the Vatican.

Jurisdiction Order

  1. The Vatican: Canon Law (origin of the word "canon" traced to Kwan Yin, the goddess of mercy and compassion).
  2. The Crown: Kingdom Law.
  3. Washington DC: Commercial Law (mercantile law).

Historical Context

  • Concessions of England to the Pope (1213): Established financial obligations to the Vatican, leading to King John's imposition of Martial Law Rule and ultimately the Magna Carta.
  • Magna Carta: Seen as a contract, not a unilateral act or treaty, imposing conditions on the King by the Barons.

Lateran Pact (1929)

  • Italy granted the Vatican sovereign nation status, and most countries, including Canada and the United States, have signed on to the pact, recognizing the Vatican as neutral territory.

No Delegated Authority for U.S. Corporations

Bankruptcy and Governance

  • United States Bankruptcy: The U.S. Federal Government was dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act (1933), leading to a situation where creditors became the de facto government.
  • Attorneys' Role: United Nations bankers (bankster thieves) create and enforce rules to sustain a fictitious debt, using the legal system to enslave the population.

Letter of Marque and Reprisal